• Question: How Does Travelling help with work

    Asked by Nisha Nivi to Stu, Melanie on 9 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Stuart Inglis

      Stuart Inglis answered on 9 Mar 2016:

      Hey Nisha,

      Often the travelling I do with work is due to necessity, i.e. I have to go somewhere to attend a certain conference or because that is where the job is to be carried out. I do love the travel as it always brings new experiences and develops you as a person.

      The other side to it is that you see how other cultures tackle similar problems with different solutions to your own. That is often what helps with work when you can go “oh, I’ve seen something like that before”!

    • Photo: Melanie Zimmer

      Melanie Zimmer answered on 11 Mar 2016:

      Travelling helps us in several ways.

      It is much easier to collaborate in person and share your ideas. There is a lot of software that can help you to work remotely, but it still has limitations (especially when a lot of people work together) – there might be technical problems, sometimes several people start talking at once, and you cannot see the body language of others, which gives you a really good idea of what people think. Plus, you get to know the people better, even on a personal level. These two videos give you a really good idea how conference calls can be: https://youtu.be/DYu_bGbZiiQ and https://youtu.be/JMOOG7rWTPg 😉

      And you get to see and experience places you might not have been before. 🙂
